November 14, 2022 2 min read 0 Comments

World’s #1 Trainer for Dads

“Do what you love, and you’ll love what you do”: many people aspire to this, but our Athlete of the Month is really living it. AJ Ellison is a trainer and lifelong Athlete. He’s passionate about being an active dad, and helping other dads to realize their fitness goals.

What are your hobbies and passions?

I’m passionate about training myself and helping others level up their health and fitness. As a dad, giving my children experiences and memories is my priority.

Why do you choose to wear TAILORED ATHLETE?

TA has a clean look. I'm young at heart, but I'm 46. I don't want clothing with loud or noisy patterns or logos. I like to look effortlessly put together whether I'm in casual or dress attire and I don't want to sacrifice comfort to do it.

What’s your favourite TA product?

Long and short sleeved TA Dress Shirts! The stretch makes the shirts comfy and they fit without having to get them tailored!

Can you describe a challenge you've faced recently?

I'm challenged daily. I balance a successful online coaching business with being the breadwinner for my wife and 3 kids. I also have to take care of my own nutrition and training, as I still compete as an IFBB Pro.

Are you reading or listening to anything good right now?

I'm reading GIFT-OLOGY: The art and science of using gifts to cut through the noise, increase referrals, and strengthen client retention. And I’m listening to Drake's new album and Kanye's Donda.

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

Change your thinking, change your life! I used to think that if my circumstances changed, then things would be great. Over time I realized the circumstances were not the problem. It’s our thinking that determines what happens to us in life, not our circumstances.

What would you tell your younger self?

Don't fall for the indoctrination. I found the cheat code to life and it doesn't have to be as hard as society tries to make it. You can carve your own path!

How has fitness changed your life?

I'm here doing this interview. Before I picked up a dumbbell no one cared about what I had to say. The two times in my life where I rose to the top was in track and field and in bodybuilding, both things I've had a deep passion for. Fitness helped me find my passion, which allowed me to find my talents.

If you weren’t a trainer, what do you think you’d be doing?

I'm not sure as I can’t fathom doing anything else at the moment. I was a test engineer for Sprint prior to bodybuilding and before that I was a pharmaceutical drug rep (the legal kind where I walked into doctors' offices in a suit). I do know that if I were doing something else, it would have to be something I have a passion for. I don't think I'd ever go back to a 9-5 office gig. I do enjoy kids, so I could see myself coaching them in some way. But I guess that's not too far removed from what I do now.

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